Having a tendency or disposition to deceive or give false impressions. In the relationship between the heart and the mind particularly the renewed mind it.
Deceitful means dishonest and wiles means being tricky in a cunning way.
What does deceitful mean. What does deceitful mean. Deceitful means intended to or tending to deceive to lie mislead or otherwise hide or distort the truth. The noun deceit most commonly refers to the act or practice of.
Having a tendency or disposition to deceive or give false impressions. Not honest a deceitful child left her deceitful husband. Deceptive misleading deceitful advertising.
Given to cheating or deceiving. See Synonyms at dishonest. The definition of deceitful is someone or something intentionally untruthful or intended to mislead.
An example of something that would be described as deceitful is a statement that is blatantly untrue and that is intended to convince someone of a falsehood. Definition of deceitful. If you say that someone is deceitful you mean that they behave in a dishonest way by making other people believe something that is not true.
They claimed the government had been deceitful. The ambassador called the report deceitful and misleading. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.
Wiktionary 000 0 votesRate this definition. Deceitful Adjective deliberately misleading or cheating deceitful Adjective deceptive in multiple ways. Deceitful definition given to deceiving.
A deceitful person cannot keep friends for long. Dishonest or hiding the truth. Dishonest or hiding the truth.
It means lying intelligently or cunningly. Deceitful means dishonest and wiles means being tricky in a cunning way. Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last.
But a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. ESV Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. An attempt or device to deceive.
Trick Her excuse turned out to be a deceit. The quality of being dishonest or misleading. The quality of being deceitful.
Far from deceit or guile. This can refer to many things but in this context it is the seat of the soul the emotions and the desires. 2 is deceitful above all things Being led by the heart is to be led by lusts or emotionalism.
In the relationship between the heart and the mind particularly the renewed mind it. What does deceitful mean. DECEITFUL adjective The adjective DECEITFUL has 2 senses.
Marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another. The state of being deceitful or deceptive. Deceit Noun The tort or fraudulent representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity or recklessly or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth and with intent to induce reliance on it.
The plaintiff justifiably relies on the deception to his injury. Deceitful refers to the capacity of the mind figuratively represented by the heart to delude an individual into believing that he is good or moral when his thoughts and. It means youre being dishonest with someone.
If someone tells you that if you run down the road hang a left and dig in the dirt that youll find ten trillion dollars in a solid gold box theyre. Deceitfulfrom a root supplanting tripping up insidiously by the heel from which Jacob Ho 123 took his name. In speaking of the Jews deceit of heart he appropriately uses a term alluding to their forefather whose deceit but not whose faith they followed.
His supplanting was in order to obtain Jehovahs blessing. Collins German Dictionary Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. William Collins Sons Co.
1980 HarperCollins Publishers 1991 1997 1999 2004 2005 2007. Dɪˈsiːtfulnɪs n falsità f inv disonestà. Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition HarperCollins Publishers 1995.