Formulae is the Latin pluralization and formulas is the English plural. The singular noun formula is defined as.
Formulas is the English plural but things are more complicated on the Latin side.
Plural form of formula. The plural form of formula is formulae or formulas. 10 Zeilen The plural of formula is formulas or formulae. Formulas are applied to provide a.
The singular noun formula is defined as. A set form of words for use in a ceremony or ritual a conventionalized statement intended to express some fundamental truth or principle especially as a basis for. RECIPE The product is made using a magic formula that the company refuses to.
Formulas is a plural of the word formula. Formula is a noun that refers to either a specified mathematical computation or a list of ingredients used in various concoctions and potions. Formula can also be a liquid fed to babies because English is unpredictable sometimes.
Formulas is a plural form of formula the alternate plural of formula is formulae. Formula is a Latin word that was absorbed into the English language in the 1630s to mean words used in a ceremony or ritual. The word formula can be made plural in two ways.
In some books or articles more than one formula is written as formulas This plural form of. See full answer below. Plural formulas or formulae - ˌlē - ˌlī Medical Definition of formula 1 a.
A recipe or prescription giving method and proportions of ingredients for the preparation of some material as a medicine. The word formula has two possible plural forms formulae and formulas. The traditional distinction is that formulas should be used in general writing and formulae in mathematical and scientific contexts but analysis of the Oxford English Corpus shows that formulas is increasingly the dominant form in both technical and general uses.
The word formula has two possible plural forms formulae and formulas. The traditional distinction is that formulas should be used in general writing and formulae in mathematical and scientific contexts but analysis of the Oxford English Corpus shows that formulas is increasingly the dominant form in both technical and general uses. Formulae is the Latin pluralization and formulas is the English plural.
This is partially true. Formulas is the English plural but things are more complicated on the Latin side. Latin has a grammar category known as noun cases.
The declension of the noun Formular is in singular genitive Formulars and in the plural nominative Formulare. The noun Formular is declined with the declension endings se. The voice of Formular is neutral and the article das.
Here you can not only inflect Formular but also all German nouns. Declension and Plural of Formel. The declension of the noun Formel is in singular genitive Formel and in the plural nominative Formeln.
The noun Formel is declined with the declension endings -n. The voice of Formel is feminine and the article die. Here you can not only inflect Formel but also all German nouns.
The noun is part of the thesaurus of Zertifikat Deutsch respectivly Level C1. It is the plural form that really ought to be used with regard to modular solar construction. The plural of possible functions.
The noun infant formula can be countable or uncountable. In more general commonly used contexts the plural form will also be infant formula. However in more specific contexts the plural form can also be infant formulas eg.
In reference to various types of infant formulas or a collection of infant formulas. Deklination und Plural von Formel Die Deklination des Substantivs Formel ist im Singular Genitiv Formel und im Plural Nominativ Formeln. Das Nomen Formel wird schwach mit den Deklinationsendungen -n dekliniert.
Grammatische Geschlecht von Formel ist. Formulas or formulae gas. Gases not gasses which is the verb form hypothesis.
Indexes of a book or indices in mathematics statistics matrix. Summary of the document. Formulas used lessons le arned possible good cooperation practices and conclusions.